Pinball at the Zoo 2024
Main Classics Womens Thursday Friday

Game Name: Big Casino [Friday]
Total Games Played: 95

Big Casino Contact Fashion Show Jack in the Box

Rank Player Name Score Points Entry
1 John Mason IL 1,344 100 #232
2 Torey Thurlow 1,252 97 #276
3 Michael Walker 1,218 95 #132
4 Daniel Overbeek 1,201 94 #142
5 Brent Edwards 1,187 93 #48
6 Phil Harmon 1,131 92 #4
7 Terry Groves 1,123 91 #162
8 Puff Danny 1,106 90 #306
9 Jimmy Piornack 1,095 89 #308
10 Nate Jarstfer 1,090 88 #168
11 Michael Westdorp 1,081 87 #288
12 Sterling Mitoska 1,079 86 #52
13 Chris Pascaretti 1,064 85 #146
14 Rodney Minch 2 1,061 84 #320
15 Dominic Labella 1,024 83 #18
16 Matthew Stacks 994 82 #10
17 Meredith Walton 987 81 #144
18 Matt Peace 981 80 #28
19 Paul Knific 975 79 #318
20 Sandy Gabriault 965 78 #330
21 Esther Ahronheim 944 77 #54
21 William Elmore 944 77 #284
23 Maddie Riegel 942 75 #124
24 Matt Currie 941 74 #64
25 Tony Baldini 940 73 #278
26 Taylor Coppola 939 72 #104
27 Christine Uggeri 922 71 #336
28 Teague Robins 921 70 #170
29 Jamie Abbott 903 69 #92
30 Josh Riggle 892 68 #218
31 Adam Barney 887 67 #262
32 Ted Brockly 883 66 #292
33 Jay Coppola 857 65 #102
34 Lance Shepherd 851 64 #312
35 Samantha VanderBand 843 63 #82
36 Robin Abbott 836 62 #88
37 Nicole Turk 829 61 #38
38 EJ Osis 828 60 #206
39 Jason Humphrey 819 59 #96
40 Jerome Gabriault 815 58 #332
41 Sean Pitzer 812 57 #12
42 Tyrus Eagle 803 56 #30
42 John Trimner 803 56 #300
44 Matt Owen 793 54 #268
45 Scott Elliott 786 53 #266
46 Jonathon Coe 785 52 #34
47 Francis Wisniewski 783 51 #322
48 Nate Timperley 776 50 #60
49 Terrence Coe 774 49 #160
50 Howard Dobson 768 48 #118
51 Mike Papesh 752 47 #158
52 Jon Lents 741 46 #188
53 Grant Loeber 734 45 #264
54 JJ Nelson 724 44 #286
55 Tim Carpenter 713 43 #180
56 Tom Vandenberg 710 42 #186
57 Pete Spivak 684 41 #156
58 Joe Wade 676 40 #100
59 Tom Deemter 663 39 #14
60 Sonny Lisi 662 38 #296
61 Melissa Westran 661 37 #114
62 Brenda Johnson 651 36 #136
63 Jason Magnuson 640 35 #80
64 Steven Parker 638 34 #270
65 Bill Lembesis 625 33 #66
66 Karen Cummings 623 32 #76
67 Josh Bauer 594 31 #164
68 Aaron Niemi 558 30 #36
69 Nick Squires 539 29 #150
70 Tami Harris 530 28 #94
71 Melinda Salminen 528 27 #70
72 Philip Salminen 518 26 #72
73 Lori Woodcock 512 25 #126
74 Lily Piazza 511 24 #290
75 Brian Keillor 497 23 #134
76 Justin Stotter 486 22 #314
77 Andy Raisanen 474 21 #86
78 Dan White 446 20 #260
79 Mike Inman 429 19 #210
80 Mike Stewart Jr 422 18 #8
81 Tim Taylor 420 17 #140
82 Kendra Avery 415 16 #184
83 Jen Avery 414 15 #202
84 Thomas Beavers 410 14 #172
85 Josh Mitoska 399 13 #250
86 Tom Ruszkiewicz 378 12 #182
87 Patrick Mendis 377 11 #20
88 Aron Duby 366 10 #112
89 Blaine Carney 307 9 #302
90 Stacey Siegel 279 8 #62
91 Bill Woodcock 269 7 #78
92 Steven B Parker 218 6 #272
93 Chris Eagle 212 5 #242
94 Nicholas Kamps 106 4 #294
95 Bob Matthews 4 3 #214