Pinball at the Zoo 2024
Main Classics Womens Thursday Friday

Division: Friday (Best 4 Game Ticket)
Total Players: 103

Big Casino Contact Fashion Show Jack in the Box

Rank Player Name Points
1 Daniel Overbeek 342
2 Josh Riggle 337
3 Nate Jarstfer 336
4 Nicole Turk 323
5 Jimmy Piornack 321
6 Esther Ahronheim 303
7 Chris Pascaretti 293
8 Jason Humphrey 287
9 Michael Walker 286
10 Terry Groves 286
11 Phil Harmon 283
12 Jon Lents 283
cutoff ---- cutoff ---- cutoff ---- cutoff ---- cutoff ---- cutoff ---- cutoff
13 Jonathon Coe 276
14 Lily Piazza 276
15 Tom Vandenberg 274
16 Ted Brockly 271
17 Thomas Beavers 271
18 Adam Barney 269
19 Scott Elliott 267
20 Matthew Stacks 265
21 Nick Squires 264
22 Karen Cummings 264
23 Torey Thurlow 262
24 Matt Peace 258
25 Maddie Riegel 255
26 Aaron Niemi 253
27 Lori Woodcock 245
28 Jay Coppola 243
29 Puff Danny 242
30 Lance Shepherd 239
31 Tony Baldini 233
32 Dominic Labella 229
33 Sean Pitzer 228
34 Howard Dobson 224
35 Brent Edwards 223
36 John Mason IL 217
37 Grant Loeber 215
38 Michael Westdorp 214
39 Steven Parker 212
40 Josh Bauer 211
41 Meredith Walton 211
42 Bill Woodcock 210
43 Tyrus Eagle 202
44 Teague Robins 201
45 Nate Timperley 197
46 Robin Abbott 194
47 Paul Knific 188
48 EJ Osis 186
49 Samantha VanderBand 184
50 Dan White 184
51 Philip Salminen 179
52 Sonny Lisi 179
53 Tami Harris 178
54 Mike Papesh 177
55 Jerome Gabriault 173
56 Mike Stewart Jr 173
57 Sandy Gabriault 171
58 William Elmore 169
59 Jamie Abbott 168
60 Joe Wade 163
61 Tim Taylor 163
62 Steven B Parker 161
63 Melissa Westran 161
64 Brian Keillor 159
65 Christine Uggeri 159
66 Jen Avery 158
67 Stacey Siegel 155
68 Tim Carpenter 155
69 Sterling Mitoska 150
70 Andy Raisanen 144
71 Aron Duby 143
72 JJ Nelson 142
73 Rodney Minch 2 139
74 John Trimner 139
75 Patrick Mendis 137
76 Terrence Coe 129
77 Bill Lembesis 129
78 Melinda Salminen 123
79 Josh Mitoska 123
80 Francis Wisniewski 121
81 Justin Stotter 121
82 Chris Eagle 114
83 Matt Currie 112
84 Brenda Johnson 104
85 Kendra Avery 103
86 Matt Owen 101
87 Blaine Carney 100
88 Mike Inman 100
89 Jason Magnuson 98
90 Adam Peacock 90
91 Bob Matthews 86
92 George Underwood 86
93 Tom Deemter 81
94 Taylor Coppola 79
95 Nicholas Kamps 74
96 Danae Stotter 68
97 Tom Ruszkiewicz 67
98 Amanda Williams 62
99 Pete Spivak 45
100 Justin Cox 43
101 Jamie Monster 31
102 Heather Catenacci 20
103 Rob Karlic 2