Winter Slam 2023
Main Classics

Division: Main (Best 7 Games)
Total Players: 52

Dipsy Doodle Doctor Who Fathom Fish Tales
Guardians of the Galaxy Iron Maiden Lost World Metallica
Stranger Things Tron Venom World Cup Soccer

Rank Player Name Points
1 Nick DeStefano 676
2 Bowen Kerins 668
3 Joe Lemire 667
4 Greg Poverelli 662
5 Brian O'Neill 655
6 Daniel Rone 655
7 Cody Gamache 646
8 Zoe Vrabel 636
9 Seamus Meader 635
10 Geoff Alterman 634
11 Zheanna Murray 625
12 Gabe Noblesmith 619
13 Mike Havens 617
14 Ryan Altemose 614
15 Vincent Vitiello 614
16 Eric Geddes 612
17 Nick Quadrini 608
18 Erik Haynes 602
19 Chyle Cameron 601
20 Ty Ueda 601
21 Aaron Gunn 596
22 Jill Towne 591
23 Michael Corbett 588
24 Wyatt Winters 587
cutoff ---- cutoff ---- cutoff ---- cutoff ---- cutoff ---- cutoff ---- cutoff
25 Hagan Major 584
26 Shawn Chastney 567
27 Sam Keogh 566
28 Matt Lemoine 554
29 Joe Hinkle 552
30 Caitlyn Hewson 541
31 Coleman Papa-Musgrave 533
32 Jeremy Gagnon 528
33 Marc Patenaude 526
34 Allison O'Neill 514
35 Brian Yurick 507
36 Adam Meader 507
37 Peter Roarke 506
38 Sofia Manganella 505
39 Brian Bourque 497
40 Chip Van Dyke 495
41 Mike Gaudet 494
42 David Huang 487
43 Mitch Gagnon 485
44 Andrew Logan 474
45 Leo Salvo 421
46 Jaima Cicero 351
47 Christina Salvo 314
48 Gerry Morin 312
49 Nissa Morin 286
50 Jayson Kohl 283
51 Shelby Cicero 283
52 Gianna Salvo 279