A B C Juniors Seniors Classics I Classics II

Game Name: Embryon [Juniors]
Total Games Played: 29

Earthshaker Embryon Game Show Hurricane
Pirates of the Caribbean Surf n Safari Terminator 2

Rank Player Name Score Points Entry
1 Jacob Prince 878,890 100 #5026
2 Patrick Newhart 873,920 90 #5006
3 Andrew Batchelor 703,830 85 #5027
4 Andrew Batchelor 441,890 84 #5004
5 Patrick Newhart 360,300 83 #5025
6 Thomas Cocchi 234,610 82 #5030
7 Alex Clark 227,490 81 #5042
8 Patrick Newhart 204,110 80 #5016
9 Justin Ortscheid 193,870 79 #5012
10 Justin Ortscheid 172,020 78 #5021
11 Justin Ortscheid 153,680 77 #5013
12 Ethan Blonder 141,430 76 #5034
13 Justin Ortscheid 138,860 75 #5007
14 Patrick Newhart 130,170 74 #5001
15 Alex Clark 124,080 73 #5049
16 Devon Cuda 121,920 72 #5053
17 Dustin Alcorn 106,110 71 #5028
18 Thomas Cocchi 105,360 70 #5048
18 Brodie Richardson 105,360 70 #5014
20 Devon Cuda 94,940 68 #5056
21 Alexis McAndrew 87,870 67 #5033
22 Ethan Blonder 85,810 66 #5005
23 Kyle Davis 67,600 65 #5066
24 Thomas Cocchi 66,080 64 #5046
25 Kyle Davis 65,290 63 #5058
26 Alex Clark 54,500 62 #5041
27 Korinne Sackela 40,420 61 #5032
28 Alexis McAndrew 32,320 60 #5037
29 Brodie Richardson 25,520 59 #5017