Vancouver FlipOut 2018
Modern Classics

Player Name: Mike Corbett WA (#114)

Division: Modern
Game Score Points Rank Played
F-14 Tomcat 4,122,820 200 1 1
Back to the Future 3,538,140 195 2 2
Creature from the Black Lagoon 211,285,660 170 8 2
Gold Wings 2,737,110 149 15 7
Dialed In 397,220 149 15 2
Iron Maiden 164,417,760 136 20 1
Total Nuclear Annihilation 1,241,961 136 20 4
Best 7 Game Point Total: 1135 14
Games not included
Star Wars 435,528,970 116 30 2
Aerosmith 27,845,390 96 42 3
Houdini 200,542 93 45 2
Scared Stiff 3,523,470 81 57 3

Best Entry (Classics) #359
Game Score Points Rank
Counterforce 676,090 164 10
Scorpion 100,900 8 171
Bowling Queen 715 48 92
Genie 385,220 143 17
Point Total 363 21

Other Submitted Entries for Classics

Entry (Classics) #358
Game Score Points Rank
Nitro Groundshaker 176,380 57 81
Grand Prix 72,060 0 266
Mata Hari 129,900 88 50
Old Chicago 43,420 77 61
Point Total 222 71