Vancouver FlipOut 2017
Modern Classics

Player Name: James Stubbington (#149)

Division: Modern
Game Score Points Rank Played
Dirty Harry 393,812,150 88 50 4
Spiderman VE 47,000,000 83 55 1
The Shadow 202,720,360 78 60 5
The Walking Dead 40,733,120 75 63 3
Elvira 1,690,760 65 73 4
Family Guy 7,225,120 47 93 1
Centaur 193,150 42 103 4
Best 7 Game Point Total: 478 128
Games not included
Starship Troopers 15,013,010 41 105 1
Star Trek 8,043,350 34 120 1
Mario Andretti 152,966,050 27 134 1

Best Entry (Classics) #116
Game Score Points Rank
Eight Ball 52,740 36 115
Viking 209,420 58 80
Big Game 83,460 0 192
Pink Panther-OFF 147,850 70 68
Point Total 164 88

Other Submitted Entries for Classics

Entry (Classics) #117
Game Score Points Rank
Viking 292,580 87 51
Cherry Bell 172,200 17 153
Captain Fantastic 62,490 46 95
Eight Ball 33,700 0 199
Point Total 150 94

Entry (Classics) #526
Game Score Points Rank
Eight Ball 35,310 0 195
Big Game 157,150 32 124
Point Total 32 123