Vancouver FlipOut 2017
Modern Classics

Player Name: Dave Andrew (#128)

Division: Modern
Game Score Points Rank Played
Starship Troopers 67,367,980 126 25 1
Mario Andretti 573,711,600 95 43 6
Tommy 101,142,070 91 47 2
Demolition Man 343,634,080 78 60 3
Elvira 1,501,350 60 78 5
Family Guy 8,746,000 55 83 3
The Shadow 73,520,660 40 108 6
Best 7 Game Point Total: 545 105
Games not included
Centaur 89,590 29 130 1
Spiderman VE 6,036,060 27 134 1
Dirty Harry 48,717,410 26 135 1
The Walking Dead 4,286,520 21 145 1

Best Entry (Classics) #510
Game Score Points Rank
Melody 4,674 130 23
Eight Ball 139,950 108 34
Viking 281,600 84 54
Big Game 307,420 106 35
Point Total 428 16

Other Submitted Entries for Classics

Entry (Classics) #259
Game Score Points Rank
Viking 97,600 16 156
Captain Fantastic 51,470 32 123
Eight Ball 39,800 6 175
Big Game 130,660 18 152
Point Total 72 116

Entry (Classics) #260
Game Score Points Rank
Big Game 298,450 97 41
Eight Ball 33,690 0 200
Viking 124,920 28 132
Captain Fantastic 56,530 40 108
Point Total 165 88

Entry (Classics) #261
Game Score Points Rank
Eight Ball 31,560 0 210
Viking 77,710 2 184
Captain Fantastic 19,250 0 236
Cherry Bell 103,600 0 237
Point Total 2 124

Entry (Classics) #509
Game Score Points Rank
Captain Fantastic 22,430 0 225
Melody 3,451 97 41
Viking 31,710 0 228
Big Game 536,640 167 9
Point Total 264 50