Vancouver FlipOut 2017
Modern Classics

Player Name: Damien Charléty (#122)

Division: Modern
Game Score Points Rank Played
Star Trek 98,654,000 190 3 4
Elvira 7,415,430 178 6 1
Demolition Man 1,133,164,730 174 7 3
Dirty Harry 872,713,350 167 9 2
Mario Andretti 982,341,010 149 15 1
Centaur 718,220 140 18 2
Starship Troopers 82,317,000 132 22 3
Best 7 Game Point Total: 1130 16
Games not included
The Shadow 295,574,620 118 29 2
Tommy 101,526,550 92 46 6
Family Guy 12,815,090 80 58 2
The Walking Dead 33,860,150 68 70 2
Spiderman VE 25,911,240 62 76 1
Dialed In 25,210 30 127 1

Best Entry (Classics) #534
Game Score Points Rank
Eight Ball 88,590 76 62
Big Game 454,690 155 13
Viking 821,540 174 7
Captain Fantastic 52,050 34 120
Point Total 439 13

Other Submitted Entries for Classics

Entry (Classics) #248
Game Score Points Rank
Big Game 190,760 45 97
Cherry Bell 90,700 0 243
Pink Panther-OFF 303,340 122 27
Melody 2,878 74 64
Point Total 241 60

Entry (Classics) #249
Game Score Points Rank
Captain Fantastic 35,710 3 182
Eight Ball 35,010 0 196
Viking 107,490 21 146
Cherry Bell 20,500 0 272
Point Total 24 123

Entry (Classics) #250
Game Score Points Rank
Pink Panther-OFF 55,630 39 110
Captain Fantastic 44,940 19 149
Eight Ball 120,420 95 43
Viking 702,980 143 17
Point Total 296 42

Entry (Classics) #251
Game Score Points Rank
Big Game 371,910 143 17
Viking 75,600 0 189
Eight Ball 14,890 0 278
Cherry Bell 322,000 69 69
Point Total 212 70

Entry (Classics) #352 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Eight Ball 39,110 3 181
Cherry Bell 103,100 0 239
Viking 92,570 11 165
Point Total 14 124

Entry (Classics) #353
Game Score Points Rank
Captain Fantastic 103,030 134 21
Eight Ball 27,220 0 232
Viking 369,670 99 39
Cherry Bell 174,000 19 150
Point Total 252 57

Entry (Classics) #354
Game Score Points Rank
Viking 442,240 120 28
Pink Panther-OFF 54,080 38 111
Captain Fantastic 102,300 130 23
Eight Ball 84,100 73 65
Point Total 361 28

Entry (Classics) #355 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Eight Ball 59,660 41 106
Pink Panther-OFF 153,230 76 62
Cherry Bell 92,600 0 242
Melody 2,263 48 92
Point Total 165 88

Entry (Classics) #535 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Eight Ball 66,800 49 89
Melody 1,123 1 185
Point Total 50 121

Entry (Classics) #536 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Captain Fantastic 49,280 27 134
Cherry Bell 167,200 15 157
Point Total 42 121

Entry (Classics) #537 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Big Game 413,390 146 16
Eight Ball 53,550 37 114
Captain Fantastic 90,090 104 36
Point Total 287 43