Game | Score | Points | Rank |
Stargate | 163,042,590 | 133 | 60 |
Mystery Castle | 210,186,840 | 133 | 60 |
Medieval Madness | 19,730,710 | 143 | 50 |
Congo | 348,523,650 | 128 | 65 |
Tron | 26,599,800 | 148 | 45 |
Point Total | 685 | 65 | |
Game | Score | Points | Rank |
Harlem Globetrotters | 155,850 | 145 | 48 |
Quicksilver | 1,360,930 | 188 | 5 |
Nine Ball | 59,860 | 106 | 87 |
Point Total | 439 | 115 | |
Game | Score | Points | Rank |
Harlem Globetrotters | 548,010 | 179 | 14 |
Centaur | 243,110 | 151 | 42 |
Quicksilver | 427,950 | 149 | 44 |
Point Total | 479 | 89 | |
Game | Score | Points | Rank |
Scared Stiff | 6,306,380 | 124 | 69 |
Junkyard | 10,800,840 | 168 | 25 |
Iron Man | 16,500,460 | 137 | 56 |
Deadpool Premium | 60,245,040 | 104 | 89 |
Creature From the Black Lagoon | 36,804,390 | 37 | 156 |
Point Total | 570 | 77 | |
Game | Score | Points | Rank |
Congo | 990,560,770 | 179 | 14 |
Guardians of the Galaxy | 19,185,030 | 95 | 98 |
The Mandalorian LE | 1,244,140 | 23 | 170 |
Kiss Pro | 43,004,420 | 112 | 81 |
Demolition Man | 359,126,520 | 97 | 96 |
Point Total | 506 | 126 | |
Game | Score | Points | Rank |
Attack From Mars | 164,061,170 | 0 | 200 |
Medieval Madness | 11,916,160 | 100 | 93 |
Tron | 23,161,650 | 135 | 58 |
James Bond Pre | 54,685,450 | 92 | 101 |
Alien Star | 220,820 | 95 | 98 |
Point Total | 422 | 157 | |
Game | Score | Points | Rank |
Kiss Pro | 5,530,090 | 39 | 154 |
The Mandalorian LE | 1,009,210 | 21 | 172 |
James Bond 60th | 2,721 | 32 | 161 |
Alien Star | 98,710 | 31 | 162 |
X-Men LE | 4,208,250 | 64 | 129 |
Point Total | 187 | 177 | |
Game | Score | Points | Rank |
James Bond Pre | 209,632,920 | 144 | 49 |
Kiss Pro | 69,208,250 | 132 | 61 |
Medieval Madness | 23,963,280 | 151 | 42 |
Tron | 18,129,160 | 120 | 73 |
Stargate | 73,066,590 | 98 | 95 |
Point Total | 645 | 78 | |
Game | Score | Points | Rank |
Congo | 307,579,360 | 118 | 75 |
Stargate | 141,055,960 | 124 | 69 |
Tron | 11,254,600 | 72 | 121 |
Medieval Madness | 25,456,980 | 155 | 38 |
Point Total | 469 | 142 | |
Game | Score | Points | Rank |
Congo | 521,907,940 | 144 | 49 |
Stargate | 157,558,610 | 130 | 63 |
Tron | 24,154,070 | 137 | 56 |
Point Total | 411 | 159 | |
Game | Score | Points | Rank |
Congo | 410,294,560 | 132 | 61 |
Stargate | 58,598,800 | 91 | 102 |
James Bond Pre | 80,543,660 | 106 | 87 |
Mystery Castle | 390,030,070 | 154 | 39 |
Point Total | 483 | 135 | |
Game | Score | Points | Rank |
Congo | 620,000 | 63 | 130 |
Point Total | 63 | 178 | |
Game | Score | Points | Rank |
Congo | 341,568,070 | 127 | 66 |
Stargate | 123,097,170 | 120 | 73 |
Medieval Madness | 20,876,190 | 143 | 50 |
Mystery Castle | 87,089,510 | 100 | 93 |
Point Total | 490 | 133 | |
Game | Score | Points | Rank |
Farfalla | 127,140 | 116 | 77 |
Dolly Parton | 29,760 | 119 | 74 |
Pinball Champ 82 | 1,034,270 | 128 | 65 |
Point Total | 363 | 140 | |
Game | Score | Points | Rank |
Quicksilver | 110,610 | 111 | 82 |
Nine Ball | 398,680 | 153 | 40 |
Harlem Globetrotters | 52,280 | 116 | 77 |
Point Total | 380 | 137 | |
Game | Score | Points | Rank |
Nine Ball | 309,690 | 139 | 54 |
Firepower | 38,300 | 108 | 85 |
Quicksilver | 288,350 | 140 | 53 |
Point Total | 387 | 136 | |
Game | Score | Points | Rank |
Nine Ball | 653,310 | 175 | 18 |
Quicksilver | 242,950 | 130 | 63 |
Dolly Parton | 11,170 | 109 | 84 |
Point Total | 414 | 126 | |
Game | Score | Points | Rank |
Nine Ball | 71,510 | 107 | 86 |
Point Total | 107 | 141 | |
Game | Score | Points | Rank |
Harlem Globetrotters | 209,280 | 152 | 41 |
Nine Ball | 267,870 | 130 | 63 |
Centaur | 463,630 | 157 | 36 |
Point Total | 439 | 115 | |
Game | Score | Points | Rank |
Harlem Globetrotters | 39,350 | 111 | 82 |
Ali | 55,480 | 115 | 78 |
Pinball Champ 82 | 2,461,350 | 152 | 41 |
Point Total | 378 | 154 | |
Game | Score | Points | Rank |
Centaur | 741,170 | 171 | 22 |
Harlem Globetrotters | 389,560 | 171 | 22 |
Quicksilver | 200,560 | 116 | 77 |
Point Total | 458 | 110 | |
Game | Score | Points | Rank |
Nine Ball | 273,240 | 131 | 62 |
Freefall | 97,530 | 131 | 62 |
Point Total | 262 | 155 | |
Game | Score | Points | Rank |
Harlem Globetrotters | 309,410 | 164 | 29 |
Quicksilver | 173,210 | 114 | 79 |
Point Total | 278 | 154 | |
Game | Score | Points | Rank |
Quicksilver | 154,930 | 114 | 79 |
Point Total | 114 | 155 | |
Game | Score | Points | Rank |
Quicksilver | 234,800 | 124 | 69 |
Point Total | 124 | 155 | |
Game | Score | Points | Rank |
Centaur | 268,630 | 153 | 40 |
Harlem Globetrotters | 126,980 | 148 | 45 |
Point Total | 301 | 154 | |
Game | Score | Points | Rank |
Harlem Globetrotters | 349,200 | 168 | 25 |
Quicksilver | 222,620 | 122 | 71 |
Centaur | 1,271,960 | 181 | 12 |
Point Total | 471 | 100 | |
Game | Score | Points | Rank |
Harlem Globetrotters | 116,240 | 146 | 47 |
Point Total | 146 | 155 | |
Game | Score | Points | Rank |
Harlem Globetrotters | 280,250 | 163 | 30 |
Centaur | 368,620 | 160 | 33 |
Point Total | 323 | 154 | |
Game | Score | Points | Rank |
Centaur | 83,640 | 131 | 62 |
Point Total | 131 | 155 | |
Game | Score | Points | Rank |
Scared Stiff | 2,088,830 | 42 | 151 |
Rush Premium | 10,795,610 | 52 | 141 |
Meteor | 125,430 | 11 | 182 |
Junkyard | 3,743,450 | 100 | 93 |
Iron Man | 3,909,850 | 0 | 202 |
Point Total | 205 | 158 | |
Game | Score | Points | Rank |
Scared Stiff | 5,845,180 | 117 | 76 |
Creature From the Black Lagoon | 55,408,950 | 84 | 109 |
Indianapolis 500 | 40,876,190 | 0 | 195 |
Jackbot | 1,481,207,930 | 136 | 57 |
Godzilla Premium | 13,220,000 | 0 | 193 |
Point Total | 337 | 141 | |
Game | Score | Points | Rank |
Scared Stiff | 6,870,600 | 135 | 58 |
Deadpool Premium | 35,826,880 | 59 | 134 |
Junkyard | 2,306,390 | 61 | 132 |
Iron Man | 8,923,060 | 78 | 115 |
Rush Premium | 34,457,980 | 121 | 72 |
Point Total | 454 | 111 | |
Game | Score | Points | Rank |
Deadpool Premium | 9,148,470 | 0 | 195 |
Creature From the Black Lagoon | 44,165,040 | 59 | 134 |
Indianapolis 500 | 175,378,870 | 86 | 107 |
Game of Thrones Premium | 19,362,920 | 39 | 154 |
Point Total | 184 | 159 | |
Game | Score | Points | Rank |
Meteor | 172,290 | 50 | 143 |
Rush Premium | 17,092,320 | 73 | 120 |
Iron Man | 26,263,220 | 164 | 29 |
Junkyard | 6,566,580 | 138 | 55 |
Scared Stiff | 5,705,330 | 116 | 77 |
Point Total | 541 | 86 | |
Game | Score | Points | Rank |
Deadpool Premium | 21,174,930 | 34 | 159 |
Point Total | 34 | 163 | |
Game | Score | Points | Rank |
Junkyard | 3,907,220 | 103 | 90 |
Meteor | 187,100 | 59 | 134 |
Rush Premium | 23,142,140 | 91 | 102 |
Point Total | 253 | 156 | |
Game | Score | Points | Rank |
Meteor | 9 | 0 | 260 |
Point Total | 0 | 163 | |
Game | Score | Points | Rank |
Creature From the Black Lagoon | 104,593,210 | 150 | 43 |
Scared Stiff | 4,244,290 | 92 | 101 |
Iron Man | 11,806,320 | 112 | 81 |
Meteor | 868,640 | 185 | 8 |
Junkyard | 990,630 | 22 | 171 |
Point Total | 561 | 81 | |
Game | Score | Points | Rank |
Meteor | 82,630 | 0 | 215 |
Point Total | 0 | 163 | |
Game | Score | Points | Rank |
Junkyard | 3,507,830 | 98 | 95 |
Meteor | 159,730 | 38 | 155 |
Point Total | 136 | 161 | |
Game | Score | Points | Rank |
Junkyard | 4,240,750 | 107 | 86 |
Point Total | 107 | 161 | |
Game | Score | Points | Rank |
Deadpool Premium | 149,251,410 | 165 | 28 |
Iron Man | 3,098,760 | 0 | 217 |
Meteor | 267,200 | 105 | 88 |
Point Total | 270 | 154 | |
Game | Score | Points | Rank |
Meteor | 244,380 | 95 | 98 |
Point Total | 95 | 161 | |