Game | Score | Points | Rank |
Kiss Pro | 77,986,570 | 138 | 55 |
Metallica LE | 44,800,310 | 151 | 42 |
James Bond 60th | 9,507 | 149 | 44 |
Stargate | 144,463,860 | 128 | 65 |
Mystery Castle | 294,074,960 | 146 | 47 |
Point Total | 712 | 56 | |
Game | Score | Points | Rank |
Magic Castle | 1,246,650 | 173 | 20 |
Pinball Champ 82 | 3,325,410 | 159 | 34 |
Star Gazer | 216,140 | 138 | 55 |
Point Total | 470 | 102 | |
Game | Score | Points | Rank |
Game of Thrones Premium | 228,138,630 | 126 | 67 |
Meteor | 236,920 | 91 | 102 |
Iron Man | 2,764,080 | 0 | 226 |
Avengers: AIQ | 121,857,750 | 178 | 15 |
Deadpool Premium | 79,712,600 | 126 | 67 |
Point Total | 521 | 90 | |
Game | Score | Points | Rank |
Metallica LE | 3,149,590 | 32 | 161 |
Attack From Mars | 2,609,472,010 | 135 | 58 |
Mystery Castle | 38,459,210 | 82 | 111 |
Jurassic Park DE | 28,450,330 | 44 | 149 |
Cheetah | 531,170 | 81 | 112 |
Point Total | 374 | 166 | |
Game | Score | Points | Rank |
Cheetah | 251,110 | 13 | 180 |
Alien Star | 198,710 | 86 | 107 |
Stargate | 149,221,380 | 130 | 63 |
X-Men LE | 6,473,610 | 77 | 116 |
Demolition Man | 373,334,380 | 104 | 89 |
Point Total | 410 | 160 | |
Game | Score | Points | Rank |
Attack From Mars | 1,203,714,410 | 72 | 121 |
Cheetah | 641,180 | 101 | 92 |
Mystery Castle | 23,815,300 | 75 | 118 |
Stargate | 45,257,170 | 83 | 110 |
James Bond 60th | 2,446 | 25 | 168 |
Point Total | 356 | 168 | |
Game | Score | Points | Rank |
Attack From Mars | 1,034,451,220 | 59 | 134 |
James Bond 60th | 3,936 | 63 | 130 |
Kiss Pro | 4,192,730 | 37 | 156 |
X-Men LE | 5,619,590 | 73 | 120 |
Guardians of the Galaxy | 3,520,600 | 36 | 157 |
Point Total | 268 | 174 | |
Game | Score | Points | Rank |
James Bond 60th | 11,156 | 163 | 30 |
Stargate | 68,725,100 | 95 | 98 |
Metallica LE | 4,035,680 | 41 | 152 |
Point Total | 299 | 172 | |
Game | Score | Points | Rank |
Alien Poker | 596,870 | 154 | 39 |
Nine Ball | 115,270 | 117 | 76 |
Star Gazer | 317,390 | 146 | 47 |
Point Total | 417 | 143 | |
Game | Score | Points | Rank |
Farfalla | 117,610 | 122 | 71 |
Star Gazer | 30,200 | 114 | 79 |
Spooky | 1,105,500 | 140 | 53 |
Point Total | 376 | 154 | |
Game | Score | Points | Rank |
Farfalla | 802,370 | 182 | 11 |
Alien Poker | 192,110 | 127 | 66 |
Quicksilver | 316,260 | 139 | 54 |
Point Total | 448 | 117 | |
Game | Score | Points | Rank |
Farfalla | 134,430 | 126 | 67 |
Magic Castle | 652,690 | 136 | 57 |
Freefall | 111,520 | 133 | 60 |
Point Total | 395 | 150 | |
Game | Score | Points | Rank |
Deadpool Premium | 123,634,120 | 158 | 35 |
Meteor | 279,490 | 115 | 78 |
Avengers: AIQ | 4,640,930 | 38 | 155 |
Iron Man | 2,971,560 | 0 | 221 |
Jackbot | 353,483,140 | 28 | 165 |
Point Total | 339 | 139 | |
Game | Score | Points | Rank |
Avengers: AIQ | 5,388,050 | 46 | 147 |
Iron Man | 6,540,810 | 34 | 159 |
Deadpool Premium | 4,412,750 | 0 | 209 |
Meteor | 40,330 | 0 | 253 |
Game of Thrones Premium | 73,002,190 | 66 | 127 |
Point Total | 146 | 161 | |
Game | Score | Points | Rank |
Meteor | 51,250 | 0 | 244 |
Iron Man | 9,156,080 | 82 | 111 |
Deadpool Premium | 15,003,370 | 24 | 169 |
Avengers: AIQ | 14,780,490 | 101 | 92 |
Game of Thrones Premium | 16,298,010 | 39 | 154 |
Point Total | 246 | 156 | |
Game | Score | Points | Rank |
Iron Man | 3,085,490 | 0 | 217 |
Game of Thrones Premium | 66,370,350 | 63 | 130 |
Meteor | 73,140 | 0 | 220 |
Deadpool Premium | 49,387,300 | 79 | 114 |
Avengers: AIQ | 14,499,500 | 100 | 93 |
Point Total | 242 | 157 | |
Game | Score | Points | Rank |
Iron Man | 8,056,040 | 58 | 135 |
Game of Thrones Premium | 92,336,410 | 80 | 113 |
Meteor | 95,730 | 0 | 204 |
Avengers: AIQ | 60,257,080 | 151 | 42 |
Creature From the Black Lagoon | 19,346,640 | 0 | 203 |
Point Total | 289 | 153 | |
Game | Score | Points | Rank |
Deadpool Premium | 18,124,750 | 31 | 162 |
Game of Thrones Premium | 81,920,820 | 74 | 119 |
Avengers: AIQ | 5,309,100 | 44 | 149 |
Iron Man | 7,082,350 | 45 | 148 |
Junkyard | 3,060,510 | 84 | 109 |
Point Total | 278 | 153 | |
Game | Score | Points | Rank |
Iron Man | 21,958,470 | 156 | 37 |
Meteor | 103,800 | 0 | 197 |
Avengers: AIQ | 43,176,930 | 136 | 57 |
Game of Thrones Premium | 95,869,090 | 84 | 109 |
Deadpool Premium | 26,699,780 | 46 | 147 |
Point Total | 422 | 120 | |
Game | Score | Points | Rank |
Iron Man | 2,515,570 | 0 | 235 |
Game of Thrones Premium | 172,340,090 | 110 | 83 |
Junkyard | 4,425,220 | 110 | 83 |
Avengers: AIQ | 16,526,040 | 105 | 88 |
Deadpool Premium | 33,506,790 | 55 | 138 |
Point Total | 380 | 131 | |
Game | Score | Points | Rank |
Avengers: AIQ | 8,116,580 | 68 | 125 |
Iron Man | 2,778,930 | 0 | 225 |
Deadpool Premium | 76,932,830 | 122 | 71 |
Meteor | 141,320 | 25 | 168 |
Jackbot | 277,355,010 | 13 | 180 |
Point Total | 228 | 158 | |
Game | Score | Points | Rank |
Iron Man | 10,440,360 | 97 | 96 |
Meteor | 318,470 | 123 | 70 |
Point Total | 220 | 158 | |