Texas Wizards Tournament 2018
Wizards Kid's Bump N' Win Parent-Child Classics

Player Name: Jeff Mleynek (#212)

Division: Wizards
Game Score Points Rank Played
The Addams Family 246,122,020 94 4 1
Bow & Arrow 134,600 82 16 1
Tag-Team 838,130 55 43 1
Space Mission 140,940 52 46 3
Stars 123,950 47 51 2
Total Nuclear Annihilation 403,421 40 58 2
300 40,690 21 77 1
Metallica 15,673,470 20 78 2
Best 8 Game Point Total: 411 66
Games not included
The Walking Dead 21,552,290 13 85 2
Stargate 88,096,310 3 95 2
Solar Ride 117,220 0 107 1
Solar City 38,600 0 103 2

Division: Classics
Game Score Points Rank Played
Attila the Hun 2,688,840 88 10 1
Stingray 404,550 77 21 5
Paragon 184,580 76 22 4
Sweet Hearts 945 66 32 1
Best 4 Game Point Total: 307 22
Games not included
Viking 17,710 0 112 1