Texas Wizards Tournament 2018
Wizards Kid's Bump N' Win Parent-Child Classics

Player Name: Michael Hew (#205)

Division: Wizards
Game Score Points Rank Played
The Walking Dead 65,428,580 60 38 1
The Addams Family 79,860,220 58 40 1
Tag-Team 695,490 45 53 2
Solar Ride 216,750 38 60 2
Stargate 123,142,360 33 65 3
Metallica 20,708,990 31 67 1
300 42,050 27 71 4
Solar City 48,280 12 86 1
Best 8 Game Point Total: 304 96
Games not included
Space Mission 68,400 0 106 3
Stars 28,950 0 134 2

Division: Classics
Game Score Points Rank Played
Attila the Hun 574,950 30 68 1
Viking 122,510 30 68 1
Paragon 81,600 30 68 1
Sweet Hearts 628 0 101 4
Best 4 Game Point Total: 90 110
Games not included
Stingray 142,120 0 101 2