Texas Wizards Tournament 2018
Wizards Kid's Bump N' Win Parent-Child Classics

Player Name: Shane Yozzo (#188)

Division: Wizards
Game Score Points Rank Played
300 46,710 53 45 2
The Walking Dead 53,194,100 50 48 1
Bow & Arrow 84,450 32 66 2
Metallica 20,606,410 30 68 1
Space Mission 108,160 26 72 2
Solar Ride 166,110 12 86 1
Solar City 46,610 7 91 2
Total Nuclear Annihilation 217,751 2 96 2
Best 8 Game Point Total: 212 122
Games not included
Stars 35,770 0 132 1
The Addams Family 22,979,360 0 106 4
Stargate 86,569,700 0 99 2

Division: Classics
Game Score Points Rank Played
Sweet Hearts 862 49 49 2
Elektra 446,870 33 65 2
Paragon 85,860 33 65 1
Stingray 227,860 28 70 3
Best 4 Game Point Total: 143 90
Games not included
Attila the Hun 63,250 0 117 1
Viking 32,280 0 108 1