Texas Wizards Tournament 2018
Wizards Kid's Bump N' Win Parent-Child Classics

Player Name: Fred Richardson (#146)

Division: Wizards
Game Score Points Rank Played
Tag-Team 5,364,060 100 1 2
The Walking Dead 185,898,230 91 7 3
The Addams Family 158,699,580 89 9 1
Bow & Arrow 145,250 86 12 1
Metallica 75,156,410 82 16 1
Stars 182,040 82 16 2
Space Mission 178,800 75 23 2
Solar Ride 312,610 74 24 3
Best 8 Game Point Total: 679 5
Games not included
Total Nuclear Annihilation 540,521 63 35 2
Stargate 109,855,290 25 73 1
Solar City 37,380 0 106 1

Division: Classics
Game Score Points Rank Played
Elektra 1,910,410 93 5 1
Paragon 213,460 80 18 3
Attila the Hun 535,530 26 72 3
Sweet Hearts 745 22 76 3
Best 4 Game Point Total: 221 58
Games not included
Stingray 217,790 21 77 2