Texas Wizards Tournament 2018
Wizards Kid's Bump N' Win Parent-Child Classics

Player Name: Kevin Stone (#100)

Division: Wizards
Game Score Points Rank Played
Tag-Team 2,159,020 88 10 1
Total Nuclear Annihilation 636,811 79 19 1
Space Mission 174,300 72 26 1
Metallica 39,863,890 60 38 1
Bow & Arrow 97,940 59 39 1
The Addams Family 77,560,960 56 42 2
The Walking Dead 53,907,430 52 46 1
Solar City 51,340 27 71 3
Best 8 Game Point Total: 493 31
Games not included
300 39,040 12 86 3
Stargate 92,419,280 6 92 1
Stars 44,760 0 127 1
Solar Ride 142,400 0 100 4

Division: Classics
Game Score Points Rank Played
Sweet Hearts 1,081 87 11 1
Paragon 182,550 74 24 2
Attila the Hun 1,516,420 73 25 2
Viking 203,410 49 49 1
Best 4 Game Point Total: 283 31
Games not included
Stingray 207,910 18 80 3
Elektra 67,170 0 106 1