Silver Balls Rock III

Player Name: Zach McCarthy (#134)

Division: Main
Game Score Points Rank Played
Medieval Madness 40,746,370 95 2 1
Jungle Lord 907,960 95 2 1
Spider-Man 173,370,170 89 4 1
Best 3 Game Point Total: 279 4
Games not included
Guardians of the Galaxy 613,283,650 87 6 1
Walking Dead 105,329,500 84 9 1
Wrestlemania 13,650,740 83 10 2
Attack From Mars 1,492,634,540 81 12 1
Iron Maiden 81,793,530 78 15 2
Deadpool 27,231,540 70 23 1
Star Trek 16,343,900 64 29 1