Pinvasion III A Division Main: Quarterfinals

Quarterfinals Group #1 Congo Game of Thrones The Walking Dead Total Result
1 Trent Augenstein P2 301,905,370 0 P1 271,669,950 2 P2 232,821,080 2 4 Out
8 Nick Zendejas P4 1,236,779,390 4 P4 18,020,270 0 P4 270,085,160 4 8 Advanced
9 Aaron Metz P3 729,608,310 2 P3 388,635,920 4 P3 50,931,710 1 7 Advanced
16 Chris Compton P1 316,856,270 1 P2 147,969,070 1 P1 20,333,670 0 2 Out

Quarterfinals Group #2 Genesis Defender Tommy Total Result
2 Shannon Stafford P1 12,546,900 4 P1 456,630 1 P1 3 2 7 Advanced
7 Joe Geneau P4 3,732,680 2 P4 1,015,340 4 P4 4 4 10 Advanced
10 Will McKinney P3 177,090 0 P3 791,700 2 P3 1 0 2 Out
15 Sanjay Shah P2 2,119,770 1 P2 187,600 0 P2 2 1 2 Out

Quarterfinals Group #3 Whirlwind The Walking Dead Tron Total Result
3 Justin Campbell P1 2,819,210 0 P1 53,707,530 4 P1 12,088,870 0 4 Out
6 Bob Matthews P4 6,119,100 1 P4 25,409,780 1 P4 21,466,500 1 3 Out
11 Steven Bowden P3 6,452,460 2 P3 27,862,380 2 P3 43,863,430 4 8 Advanced
14 Lee Moscaritolo P2 12,407,890 4 P2 22,299,550 0 P2 32,876,770 2 6 Advanced

Quarterfinals Group #4 Jackbot Congo Game of Thrones Total Result
4 Jason Werdrick P1 640,475,230 1 P1 556,245,620 1 P1 544,103,040 2 4 Advanced
5 David Riel P4 2,471,439,460 4 P4 656,014,880 4 P4 548,309,210 4 12 Advanced
12 Derek Miazga P3 566,765,210 0 P3 620,990,900 2 P3 522,001,780 1 3 Out
13 Derek Fugate P2 1,524,069,640 2 P2 300,350,720 0 P2 239,021,870 0 2 Out

Pinvasion III A Division Main: Semifinals

Semifinals Group #1 Genesis Tommy Defender Total Result
2 Shannon Stafford P1 1,867,930 1 P1 20,937,209 0 P1 1 0 1 Out
7 Joe Geneau P4 257,390 0 P4 345,511,720 4 P4 165,110 2 6 Tie
8 Nick Zendejas P3 9,615,850 4 P3 111,897,960 1 P3 50,510 1 6 Tie
14 Lee Moscaritolo P2 6,166,500 2 P2 153,148,040 2 P2 239,590 4 8 Advanced

Group #1 Tiebreaker Game of Thrones Result
7 Joe Geneau P1 770,551,160 1st Advanced
8 Nick Zendejas P2 7,678,880 2nd Out

Semifinals Group #2 Tommy Whirlwind Tron Total Result
4 Jason Werdrick P1 59,252,550 0 P1 10,102,060 1 P1 15,544,590 2 3 Out
5 David Riel P4 144,456,310 1 P4 13,039,690 4 P4 11,024,960 1 6 Advanced
9 Aaron Metz P3 156,377,840 2 P3 5,368,370 0 P3 4,594,030 0 2 Out
11 Steven Bowden P2 166,602,070 4 P2 10,480,920 2 P2 32,197,670 4 10 Advanced

Pinvasion III A Division Main: Finals

Finals Group #1 Game of Thrones Tommy Jackbot Total Result
5 David Riel P1 25,841,210 1 P4 64,750,830 0 P1 2,645,978,800 4 5 3rd
7 Joe Geneau P4 547,781,640 2 P1 193,192,410 1 P4 405,793,280 0 3 4th
11 Steven Bowden P3 1,359,305,330 4 P3 223,134,810 2 P3 958,333,770 1 7 1st
14 Lee Moscaritolo P2 8,548,550 0 P2 229,085,420 4 P2 1,379,306,880 2 6 2nd