Pintastic Silverball Rumble 2019

Player Name: Roth Michaels (#79)

Best Entry (Main) #203
Game Score Points Rank
Frontier 518,460 65 23
Flip Flop 66,940 0 105
Full Throttle 73,949,370 79 9
Fire 1,976,500 62 26
Black Knight Swords of Rage 81,040,540 67 21
Point Total 273 21

Other Submitted Entries for Main

Entry (Main) #202
Game Score Points Rank
Meteor 128,020 0 141
DragonFist 165,840 0 97
Robocop 972,920 0 113
Fire 1,469,710 51 37
Black Knight Swords of Rage 64,524,530 63 25
Point Total 114 99

Entry (Main) #204
Game Score Points Rank
Atlantis 2,349,340 69 19
Fire 380,140 0 130
Meteor 55,260 0 187
Robocop 1,065,700 0 100
X-Files 2,317,010 0 90
Point Total 69 125

Entry (Main) #436
Game Score Points Rank
Black Knight Swords of Rage 25,086,870 32 56
Full Throttle 19,655,080 28 60
Point Total 60 129