Pintastic Silverball Rumble 2019

Player Name: Tommy Loranger (#54)

Best Entry (Main) #155
Game Score Points Rank
Robocop 2,705,060 56 32
Meteor 575,760 71 17
Frontier 495,020 63 25
X-Files 6,129,740 43 45
Black Knight Swords of Rage 3,788,430 0 89
Point Total 233 35

Other Submitted Entries for Main

Entry (Main) #154
Game Score Points Rank
Black Knight Swords of Rage 42,494,980 46 42
Frontier 230,290 0 109
Meteor 401,530 53 35
Hokus Pokus 41,790 0 103
DragonFist 70,610 0 153
Point Total 99 106