Pintastic Silverball Rumble 2019

Player Name: Joe Geneau (#22)

Best Entry (Main) #72
Game Score Points Rank
Black Knight Swords of Rage 24,413,560 30 58
Robocop 2,086,600 39 49
Meteor 780,890 80 8
Full Throttle 7,764,820 0 90
Flip Flop 118,190 69 19
Point Total 218 42

Other Submitted Entries for Main

Entry (Main) #71
Game Score Points Rank
Black Knight Swords of Rage 93,949,070 73 15
Hokus Pokus 64,610 13 75
Frontier 238,940 0 103
DragonFist 88,390 0 138
Meteor 118,100 0 148
Point Total 86 112

Entry (Main) #424
Game Score Points Rank
Robocop 1,971,220 35 53
Meteor 643,150 76 12
DragonFist 208,560 7 81
Hokus Pokus 89,440 44 44
Fire 1,250,670 40 48
Point Total 202 50