Pintastic Silverball Rumble 2019

Player Name: Bob Merlo (#19)

Best Entry (Main) #443
Game Score Points Rank
DragonFist 381,350 55 33
Flip Flop 85,610 18 70
Fire 1,907,510 60 28
Frontier 120,420 0 157
Hokus Pokus 92,780 47 41
Point Total 180 58

Other Submitted Entries for Main

Entry (Main) #60
Game Score Points Rank
Black Knight Swords of Rage 27,282,760 33 55
Fire 438,100 0 118
Flip Flop 94,800 43 45
Hokus Pokus 33,490 0 111
DragonFist 133,650 0 111
Point Total 76 120

Entry (Main) #61
Game Score Points Rank
Robocop 1,048,140 0 104
Meteor 81,950 0 173
Frontier 248,240 0 98
Black Knight Swords of Rage 44,990,020 50 38
Breakshot 492,260 0 99
Point Total 50 132

Entry (Main) #62 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Fire 385,070 0 129
Flip Flop 84,280 13 75
Point Total 13 150

Entry (Main) #63
Game Score Points Rank
Black Knight Swords of Rage 62,350,400 61 27
Flip Flop 61,010 0 125
DragonFist 492,020 62 26
Hokus Pokus 43,890 0 100
Meteor 264,030 17 71
Point Total 140 86

Entry (Main) #319 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Black Knight Swords of Rage 55,148,740 57 31
DragonFist 32,530 0 169
Point Total 57 130

Entry (Main) #320 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
DragonFist 115,990 0 119
Point Total 0 156

Entry (Main) #353 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Black Knight Swords of Rage 65,128,290 63 25
DragonFist 222,670 12 76
Frontier 246,010 0 100
Point Total 75 122