Pintastic 2018

Player Name: Michael Martinez (#111)

Best Entry (Main) #356
Game Score Points Rank
Transporter The Rescue 408,010 0 100
The Incredible Hulk 122,140 0 92
Dolly Parton 42,810 0 115
Baseball 4,331 47 41
X-Men LE 1,649,640 0 92
Point Total 47 114

Other Submitted Entries for Main

Entry (Main) #410
Game Score Points Rank
The Incredible Hulk 71,320 0 144
Judge Dredd 59,904,510 16 72
Baseball 3,895 26 62
Dolly Parton 18,560 0 151
X-Men LE 1,747,550 0 91
Point Total 42 115