Pintastic 2016

Player Name: Greg Brailsford (#166)

Best Entry (A) #276
Game Score Points Rank
Medieval Madness 11,253,070 29 59
Ghostbusters 31,284,380 35 53
Creature From the Black Lagoon 22,078,800 0 108
AC/DC 20,946,350 44 44
Radical 5,938,280 45 43
Point Total 153 57

Other Submitted Entries for A

Entry (A) #160
Game Score Points Rank
Medieval Madness 3,415,169 0 116
Metallica 9,745,380 24 64
Ghostbusters 49,907,080 52 36
Bride of Pinbot 4,598,080 53 35
AC/DC 6,369,810 0 105
Point Total 129 64

Entry (A) #322 {VOID}
Game Score Points Rank
Metallica 8,160,050 16 72
Medieval Madness 10,227,120 23 65
AC/DC 11,059,480 12 76
Point Total 51 91