Pintastic 2016

Player Name: Tom Nelson (#120)

Best Entry (A) #38
Game Score Points Rank
Creature From the Black Lagoon 44,661,890 34 54
Metallica 8,792,080 19 69
Medieval Madness 13,165,420 38 50
Jack-Bot 431,616,770 0 92
Victory 125,600 0 98
Point Total 91 79

Other Submitted Entries for A

Entry (A) #39
Game Score Points Rank
Ghostbusters 8,569,670 0 102
Congo 108,352,990 0 101
Creature From the Black Lagoon 25,312,600 0 95
World Poker Tour 5,414,910 0 88
Medieval Madness 3,851,140 0 112
Point Total 0 107

Entry (A) #40
Game Score Points Rank
Jack-Bot 452,822,470 0 90
Bride of Pinbot 1,191,760 0 105
Creature From the Black Lagoon 8,075,510 0 136
Medieval Madness 7,007,770 13 75
Metallica 5,583,630 5 83
Point Total 18 105