Pintastic 2015

Player Name: Dominic Nardini (#41)

Best Entry (A) #154
Game Score Points Rank
Congo 573,105,420 75 13
The Shadow 510,760,750 85 3
Kiss 57,429,970 85 3
Apollo 1,376 49 39
Whitewater 129,843,010 77 11
Point Total 371 8

Other Submitted Entries for A

Entry (A) #55
Game Score Points Rank
Paragon 181,330 80 8
Medusa 249,310 45 43
Kiss 12,955,680 41 47
The Shadow 213,830,770 70 18
Tron 4,125,820 16 72
Point Total 252 48

Entry (A) #60
Game Score Points Rank
Whitewater 124,215,660 73 15
The Shadow 155,450,880 60 28
Apollo 2,794 71 17
Tron 4,287,540 18 70
Kiss 63,389,470 90 2
Point Total 312 29

Entry (A) #98
Game Score Points Rank
WWF Royal Rumble 121,044,020 64 24
Apollo 7,292 84 4
Paragon 45,680 41 47
Congo 841,771,560 83 5
The Shadow 249,700,550 75 13
Point Total 347 15

Entry (A) #135
Game Score Points Rank
The Shadow 56,750,770 40 48
Congo 720,923,170 80 8
Kiss 12,856,470 39 49
Harlem Globetrotters 77,340 51 37
Point Total 210 62