PinFest 2019
Main The Gauntlet

Player Name: Davey Plaisted (#105)

Division: Main
Game Score Points Rank Played
Earthshaker 4,551,500 190 3 2
Joker Poker 336,060 181 5 2
Black Knight 485,910 167 9 1
Black Knight: Sword of Rage 20,041,590 156 15 3
Best 4 Game Point Total: 694 13
Games not included
The Getaway: High Speed II 49,095,240 132 39 2
Stars 76,700 128 43 8

Division: The Gauntlet
Game Score Points Rank Played
G5 - Pinball Pool 623,380 200 1 1
G7 - Raven 483,230 173 7 1
G6 - Motordome 758,790 151 20 1
G3 - Little Chief 29,160 133 38 1
G4 - Supersonic 58,920 128 43 1
Best 5 Game Point Total: 785 7
Games not included
*SEE STAFF TO QUEUE* G2 - Eight Power Ball 52,470 109 62 1