PinFest 2019
Main The Gauntlet

Player Name: Mike Polisky (#103)

Division: Main
Game Score Points Rank Played
Rancho 478,580 160 12 4
Atlantis (Bally) 1,989,390 158 13 2
Big Valley 38,950 157 14 2
Stars 108,510 146 25 2
Best 4 Game Point Total: 621 51
Games not included
Earthshaker 1,197,810 126 45 1
Wild Card 261,270 111 60 1
Black Knight: Sword of Rage 5,213,840 111 60 2
Doodle Bug 21,290 82 89 2

Division: The Gauntlet
Game Score Points Rank Played
G3 - Little Chief 58,360 185 4 1
G7 - Raven 236,470 136 35 1
G6 - Motordome 554,150 127 44 1
G5 - Pinball Pool 122,510 122 49 1
*SEE STAFF TO QUEUE* G2 - Eight Power Ball 68,210 117 54 1
Best 5 Game Point Total: 687 40
Games not included
G4 - Supersonic 25,690 108 63 1