Pinball at the Zoo 2016
Main Classics Thursday Daily Friday Daily Youth

Player Name: Jonathon Coe (#335)

Division: Main
Game Score Points Rank Played
Tommy 619,392,740 90 4 5
Tron 49,187,080 83 11 9
Whoa Nellie 3,644 78 16 3
Prospector 753,500 78 16 11
Blackout 470,350 77 17 7
Shrek 14,352,410 69 25 1
Best 6 Game Point Total: 475 26
Games not included
Meteor 327,670 66 28 7
WCS 660,939,570 65 29 10
Tag Team 474,000 61 33 8
The Walking Dead 36,342,160 61 33 2
Mustang 39,879,740 56 38 1

Division: Classics
Game Score Points Rank Played
Boomerang 143,890 91 3 2
Embryon 473,400 85 9 4
Lucky 7 154,410 69 25 1
Genesis 1,106,110 65 29 6
Best 4 Game Point Total: 310 16