A B C Juniors Seniors Classics I Classics II

Player Name: Mick Colabrese (#370)

Best Entry (C) #3380
Game Score Points Rank
Congo 58,496,480 0 232
Terminator 3 13,177,120 0 213
Sopranos 8,055,040 0 207
Lord of the Rings 14,226,970 0 108
World Cup Soccer 767,235,380 66 22
Point Total 66 85

Other Submitted Entries for C

Entry (C) #3394
Game Score Points Rank
Congo 273,431,030 0 105
Terminator 3 23,488,490 0 131
Sopranos 5,031,620 0 251
Lord of the Rings 36,126,290 54 34
World Cup Soccer 165,954,260 0 251
Point Total 54 93

Entry (C) #3598
Game Score Points Rank
Congo 227,281,730 0 125
Terminator 3 16,760,170 0 181
Sopranos 16,211,470 0 115
Lord of the Rings 4,939,960 0 228
World Cup Soccer 519,386,310 30 58
Point Total 30 106