A B C Juniors Seniors Classics I Classics II

Player Name: Brian Flizares (#342)

Best Entry (C) #3528
Game Score Points Rank
Diner 9,674,200 65 23
Monopoly 1,074,760 0 244
Terminator 3 17,226,490 0 178
Black Rose 7,163,540 30 58
Lord of the Rings 6,885,470 0 179
Point Total 95 65

Best Entry (Classics I) #1483
Game Score Points Rank
Harlem Globetrotters 451,200 59 29
Wizard! 50,530 49 39
World Cup 336,750 72 16
Silverball Mania 50,910 0 95
Point Total 180 38

Other Submitted Entries for C

Entry (C) #3287
Game Score Points Rank
Dirty Harry 52,090,110 0 184
Terminator 3 10,998,070 0 228
Sopranos 2,845,200 0 292
Lord of the Rings 8,064,870 0 164
World Cup Soccer 107,152,620 0 288
Point Total 0 121

Entry (C) #3355
Game Score Points Rank
Diner 2,472,470 0 128
Monopoly 6,690,100 7 81
Black Rose 5,229,980 7 81
World Cup Soccer 222,363,150 0 206
Terminator 3 19,863,750 0 165
Point Total 14 113

Entry (C) #3386
Game Score Points Rank
Diner 4,357,590 9 79
Monopoly 11,458,160 71 17
Terminator 3 11,194,130 0 227
Black Rose 2,582,080 0 122
World Cup Soccer 129,980,370 0 271
Point Total 80 74

Entry (C) #3423
Game Score Points Rank
Diner 4,124,590 4 84
Monopoly 1,073,130 0 245
Terminator 3 5,513,500 0 260
Black Rose 8,178,960 41 47
World Cup Soccer 219,788,090 0 208
Point Total 45 97