A B C Juniors Seniors Classics I Classics II

Player Name: Brian Galasso (#338)

Best Entry (C) #3468
Game Score Points Rank
World Cup Soccer 370,528,780 0 107
Sopranos 6,577,070 0 227
Lord of the Rings 8,760,780 0 155
Terminator 3 34,396,650 19 69
Congo 80,354,130 0 218
Point Total 19 110

Other Submitted Entries for C

Entry (C) #3198
Game Score Points Rank
Lord of the Rings 6,387,770 0 191
Sopranos 2,874,120 0 291
World Cup Soccer 96,954,930 0 292
Black Rose 3,093,080 0 116
Monopoly 1,077,310 0 243
Point Total 0 121

Entry (C) #3430
Game Score Points Rank
World Cup Soccer 230,872,180 0 197
Lord of the Rings 9,159,010 0 150
Sopranos 13,624,720 0 137
Black Rose 310,990 0 160
Monopoly 1,265,210 0 240
Point Total 0 121