A B C Juniors Seniors Classics I Classics II

Player Name: Matt Vaughan (#334)

Best Entry (C) #3526
Game Score Points Rank
World Cup Soccer 501,708,110 23 65
Lord of the Rings 25,348,830 24 64
Terminator 3 99,943,300 84 4
Monopoly 0 0 262
Congo 875,371,930 78 10
Point Total 209 16

Other Submitted Entries for C

Entry (C) #3195
Game Score Points Rank
World Cup Soccer 247,957,780 0 179
Lord of the Rings 3,205,170 0 262
Monopoly 8,047,930 36 52
Congo 267,478,350 0 108
Terminator 3 28,986,230 0 91
Point Total 36 104

Entry (C) #3211
Game Score Points Rank
World Cup Soccer 627,825,070 46 42
Lord of the Rings 7,172,350 0 171
Terminator 3 60,542,660 68 20
Monopoly 7,330,760 23 65
Congo 424,594,280 25 63
Point Total 162 30

Entry (C) #3271
Game Score Points Rank
World Cup Soccer 802,641,060 70 18
Lord of the Rings 10,201,090 0 141
Terminator 3 57,903,060 65 23
Monopoly 7,018,860 15 73
Congo 289,932,580 0 101
Point Total 150 34

Entry (C) #3409
Game Score Points Rank
Lord of the Rings 20,912,130 11 77
World Cup Soccer 222,057,160 0 207
Terminator 3 51,472,620 50 38
Monopoly 4,564,860 0 141
Congo 415,699,240 22 66
Point Total 83 72

Entry (C) #3421
Game Score Points Rank
World Cup Soccer 162,837,730 0 253
Dirty Harry 187,483,910 0 105
Terminator 3 54,476,580 60 28
Monopoly 8,267,170 38 50
Congo 972,775,520 80 8
Point Total 178 28