A B C Juniors Seniors Classics I Classics II

Player Name: Jacob Prince (#330)

Best Entry (Juniors) #5019
Game Score Points Rank
Dr. Dude 352,020 55 33
Fish Tales 14,057,160 70 18
Xenon 360,190 100 1
High Speed 2: The Getaway 70,345,330 82 6
Point Total 307 6

Other Submitted Entries for Juniors

Entry (Juniors) #5016
Game Score Points Rank
Xenon 138,700 79 9
Fish Tales 4,827,940 38 50
High Speed 2: The Getaway 83,965,780 84 4
The Addams Family 38,277,570 81 7
Point Total 282 12

Entry (Juniors) #5021
Game Score Points Rank
Earthshaker! 1,239,120 70 18
Dr. Dude 1,268,520 70 18
Stellar Wars 502,510 90 2
Fish Tales 1,322,590 31 57
Point Total 261 18

Entry (Juniors) #5047
Game Score Points Rank
Earthshaker! 1,554,560 74 14
Dr. Dude 1,798,740 77 11
High Speed 2: The Getaway 49,600,610 80 8
The Addams Family 14,190,370 64 24
Point Total 295 10

Entry (Juniors) #5062
Game Score Points Rank
Dr. Dude 1,057,790 68 20
The Addams Family 11,381,500 61 27
Earthshaker! 1,972,350 77 11
Stellar Wars 550,000 100 1
Point Total 306 7