A B C Juniors Seniors Classics I Classics II

Player Name: Brodie Richardson (#312)

Best Entry (Juniors) #5075
Game Score Points Rank
Earthshaker! 4,364,790 85 3
Stellar Wars 102,590 73 15
Xenon 63,530 61 27
High Speed 2: The Getaway 83,027,450 83 5
Point Total 302 8

Other Submitted Entries for Juniors

Entry (Juniors) #5011
Game Score Points Rank
Fish Tales 2,844,400 34 54
Xenon 31,080 53 35
High Speed 2: The Getaway 16,330,790 49 39
The Addams Family 10,558,250 59 29
Point Total 195 25

Entry (Juniors) #5015
Game Score Points Rank
Stellar Wars 57,980 64 24
High Speed 2: The Getaway 21,093,310 58 30
The Addams Family 16,142,550 66 22
Dr. Dude 5,346,480 90 2
Point Total 278 13

Entry (Juniors) #5068
Game Score Points Rank
Earthshaker! 1,651,170 75 13
Dr. Dude 1,156,110 69 19
Stellar Wars 79,590 69 19
High Speed 2: The Getaway 6,055,240 34 54
Point Total 247 19

Entry (Juniors) #5070
Game Score Points Rank
Earthshaker! 602,250 60 28
Dr. Dude 567,140 60 28
Stellar Wars 47,220 59 29
Xenon 100,320 71 17
Point Total 250 19