A B C Juniors Seniors Classics I Classics II

Player Name: Jason Krnich (#309)

Best Entry (C) #3215
Game Score Points Rank
Terminator 3 23,749,230 0 130
Black Rose 2,004,550 0 131
Sopranos 11,533,280 0 161
Lord of the Rings 54,341,620 74 14
Monopoly 8,874,270 44 44
Point Total 118 50

Other Submitted Entries for C

Entry (C) #3184
Game Score Points Rank
Monopoly 7,427,310 25 63
Terminator 3 27,668,990 0 101
Black Rose 17,692,350 69 19
Sopranos 25,722,540 22 66
Lord of the Rings 12,326,910 0 126
Point Total 116 51

Entry (C) #3200
Game Score Points Rank
Monopoly 4,455,360 0 145
Terminator 3 41,736,260 35 53
Black Rose 7,039,900 26 62
Sopranos 18,575,470 0 100
Lord of the Rings 26,430,660 27 61
Point Total 88 70

Entry (C) #3207
Game Score Points Rank
Diner 938,600 0 216
Monopoly 1,782,190 0 228
Black Rose 11,176,500 56 32
Sopranos 6,146,280 0 232
Lord of the Rings 8,837,190 0 153
Point Total 56 92