A B C Juniors Seniors Classics I Classics II

Player Name: Rob Yurkerich (#285)

Best Entry (C) #3253
Game Score Points Rank
World Cup Soccer 146,795,070 0 261
Lord of the Rings 7,189,620 0 168
Sopranos 59,244,860 69 19
Dirty Harry 126,399,200 0 139
Congo 533,799,900 50 38
Point Total 119 49

Other Submitted Entries for C

Entry (C) #3076
Game Score Points Rank
Lord of the Rings 3,089,200 0 264
World Cup Soccer 47,250,560 0 312
Sopranos 12,365,940 0 149
Congo 456,330,720 36 52
Diner 505,560 0 237
Point Total 36 104

Entry (C) #3078
Game Score Points Rank
World Cup Soccer 225,265,570 0 203
Lord of the Rings 31,839,270 42 46
Sopranos 5,972,190 0 234
Congo 82,287,790 0 216
Dirty Harry 156,492,000 0 117
Point Total 42 103

Entry (C) #3081
Game Score Points Rank
World Cup Soccer 251,060,870 0 178
Lord of the Rings 3,986,480 0 246
Congo 84,394,590 0 213
Dirty Harry 66,465,740 0 174
Sopranos 4,998,100 0 252
Point Total 0 121

Entry (C) #3089
Game Score Points Rank
World Cup Soccer 314,292,020 0 139
Lord of the Rings 19,988,060 8 80
Sopranos 9,657,910 0 185
Congo 95,492,010 0 204
Dirty Harry 259,430,230 17 71
Point Total 25 108