A B C Juniors Seniors Classics I Classics II

Player Name: Lou Majetic (#271)

Best Entry (C) #3587
Game Score Points Rank
Diner 7,817,170 55 33
Congo 322,647,330 0 92
Dirty Harry 142,725,330 0 129
Sopranos 56,100,500 63 25
World Cup Soccer 824,673,320 73 15
Point Total 191 24

Other Submitted Entries for C

Entry (C) #3144
Game Score Points Rank
Diner 526,060 0 236
Congo 151,826,690 0 165
Sopranos 36,001,660 39 49
Lord of the Rings 1,651,810 0 295
World Cup Soccer 154,077,220 0 257
Point Total 39 104

Entry (C) #3205
Game Score Points Rank
Congo 187,974,470 0 144
World Cup Soccer 129,843,890 0 272
Sopranos 5,076,600 0 250
Lord of the Rings 3,690,920 0 254
Monopoly 3,954,750 0 158
Point Total 0 121

Entry (C) #3208
Game Score Points Rank
Sopranos 9,045,730 0 193
World Cup Soccer 190,449,450 0 228
Congo 701,937,160 69 19
Diner 2,169,880 0 141
Lord of the Rings 13,241,340 0 121
Point Total 69 83

Entry (C) #3473
Game Score Points Rank
World Cup Soccer 132,912,080 0 269
Sopranos 57,255,870 65 23
Dirty Harry 137,404,420 0 132
Congo 448,478,850 32 56
Diner 7,364,020 52 36
Point Total 149 34

Entry (C) #3494
Game Score Points Rank
Diner 1,706,950 0 168
Congo 136,683,270 0 176
Dirty Harry 776,541,850 82 6
Sopranos 11,723,060 0 159
World Cup Soccer 217,361,260 0 213
Point Total 82 72