A B C Juniors Seniors Classics I Classics II

Player Name: Maurice Tierney (#269)

Best Entry (C) #3425
Game Score Points Rank
Diner 14,607,740 76 12
Monopoly 9,779,620 58 30
Sopranos 11,036,250 0 167
Lord of the Rings 4,706,380 0 232
World Cup Soccer 178,946,370 0 236
Point Total 134 39

Other Submitted Entries for C

Entry (C) #3016
Game Score Points Rank
World Cup Soccer 643,564,630 50 38
Lord of the Rings 40,664,840 59 29
Sopranos 8,359,200 0 202
Monopoly 2,040,930 0 217
Diner 3,487,280 0 97
Point Total 109 57

Entry (C) #3213
Game Score Points Rank
World Cup Soccer 241,857,390 0 188
Lord of the Rings 2,279,100 0 283
Diner 1,974,380 0 153
Sopranos 24,563,060 19 69
Monopoly 5,797,270 0 103
Point Total 19 110