A B C Juniors Seniors Classics I Classics II

Player Name: Louie Hamlett (#260)

Best Entry (C) #3239
Game Score Points Rank
Diner 9,429,310 64 24
Congo 200,489,170 0 135
Monopoly 9,408,430 52 36
Black Rose 5,545,410 9 79
Lord of the Rings 45,903,270 65 23
Point Total 190 25

Other Submitted Entries for C

Entry (C) #3005
Game Score Points Rank
World Cup Soccer 368,276,270 0 108
Lord of the Rings 32,057,210 43 45
Sopranos 35,246,360 38 50
Terminator 3 20,266,890 0 164
Monopoly 3,045,300 0 182
Point Total 81 72

Entry (C) #3020
Game Score Points Rank
World Cup Soccer 511,945,920 26 62
Dirty Harry 71,826,770 0 168
Congo 423,298,040 24 64
Diner 8,414,940 60 28
Black Rose 7,706,320 34 54
Point Total 144 36

Entry (C) #3164
Game Score Points Rank
Diner 1,212,200 0 196
Congo 440,128,620 28 60
Monopoly 9,460,200 53 35
Black Rose 4,822,640 0 88
Lord of the Rings 11,059,300 0 133
Point Total 81 72

Entry (C) #3565
Game Score Points Rank
Congo 1,069,954,760 82 6
Monopoly 5,651,030 0 108
Lord of the Rings 16,454,880 0 95
Sopranos 19,809,910 0 91
Diner 5,432,310 26 62
Point Total 108 57