A B C Juniors Seniors Classics I Classics II

Player Name: Allan Vrooman (#236)

Best Entry (A) #1424
Game Score Points Rank
Monster Bash 203,132,160 85 3
Twilight Zone 685,879,810 82 6
Creature From the Black Lagoon 59,003,850 2 86
Ripley's Believe It Or Not! 23,974,880 81 7
The Who's Tommy 149,236,980 0 93
Point Total 250 17

Other Submitted Entries for A

Entry (A) #1133
Game Score Points Rank
NASCAR 44,478,520 64 24
Ripley's Believe It Or Not! 1,547,470 0 151
Monster Bash 5,185,410 0 156
The Who's Tommy 128,573,620 0 103
Twilight Zone 45,758,410 0 167
Point Total 64 42

Entry (A) #1169
Game Score Points Rank
The Who's Tommy 86,087,940 0 128
Twilight Zone 92,923,690 0 131
Monster Bash 67,212,050 57 31
Theatre of Magic 231,100,260 0 181
NASCAR 13,489,810 0 88
Point Total 57 42

Entry (A) #1171
Game Score Points Rank
NASCAR 24,461,810 34 54
Ripley's Believe It Or Not! 5,672,450 0 110
Twilight Zone 89,480,660 0 135
Monster Bash 103,866,450 69 19
The Who's Tommy 419,811,140 69 19
Point Total 172 32

Entry (A) #1209
Game Score Points Rank
Creature From the Black Lagoon 173,837,650 48 40
Ripley's Believe It Or Not! 11,733,850 31 57
Twilight Zone 100,496,550 0 125
Monster Bash 1,661,530 0 187
The Who's Tommy 127,038,580 0 104
Point Total 79 41

Entry (A) #1217
Game Score Points Rank
Creature From the Black Lagoon 141,737,100 38 50
Ripley's Believe It Or Not! 5,167,710 0 120
Monster Bash 26,834,510 1 87
The Who's Tommy 241,724,360 35 53
Twilight Zone 125,015,560 0 111
Point Total 74 42

Entry (A) #1221
Game Score Points Rank
NASCAR 20,082,480 25 63
Creature From the Black Lagoon 54,861,540 0 93
Monster Bash 5,529,710 0 155
The Who's Tommy 101,461,740 0 121
Ripley's Believe It Or Not! 1,665,750 0 149
Point Total 25 42

Entry (A) #1233
Game Score Points Rank
NASCAR 3,616,930 0 123
Creature From the Black Lagoon 90,739,650 19 69
Ripley's Believe It Or Not! 1,931,820 0 147
Monster Bash 17,413,130 0 106
The Who's Tommy 268,106,290 43 45
Point Total 62 42

Entry (A) #1241
Game Score Points Rank
Monster Bash 29,277,690 4 84
Creature From the Black Lagoon 153,184,200 42 46
The Who's Tommy 226,963,120 28 60
NASCAR 22,110,470 30 58
Shadow 218,530,550 0 92
Point Total 104 40

Entry (A) #1250
Game Score Points Rank
NASCAR 4,322,880 0 118
Creature From the Black Lagoon 182,627,900 49 39
Monster Bash 79,840,360 62 26
The Who's Tommy 207,205,530 19 69
Twilight Zone 82,640,700 0 138
Point Total 130 37

Entry (A) #1296
Game Score Points Rank
Monster Bash 5,988,660 0 151
The Who's Tommy 192,570,730 8 80
NASCAR 9,588,960 0 93
Ripley's Believe It Or Not! 5,700,660 0 109
Creature From the Black Lagoon 39,041,220 0 106
Point Total 8 42

Entry (A) #1316
Game Score Points Rank
NASCAR 8,490,300 0 97
Ripley's Believe It Or Not! 4,783,710 0 122
Monster Bash 62,466,610 55 33
The Who's Tommy 213,440,480 23 65
Twilight Zone 366,592,200 64 24
Point Total 142 35

Entry (A) #1328
Game Score Points Rank
NASCAR 17,057,340 11 77
Monster Bash 7,524,930 0 139
The Who's Tommy 195,456,000 11 77
Twilight Zone 218,507,100 23 65
Ripley's Believe It Or Not! 6,546,090 0 101
Point Total 45 42

Entry (A) #1373
Game Score Points Rank
NASCAR 18,399,280 17 71
Monster Bash 16,663,370 0 109
The Who's Tommy 122,141,570 0 107
Twilight Zone 99,034,110 0 126
Creature From the Black Lagoon 200,590,210 54 34
Point Total 71 42

Entry (A) #1382
Game Score Points Rank
NASCAR 2,351,060 0 125
Creature From the Black Lagoon 39,733,390 0 105
Twilight Zone 147,631,760 0 99
Monster Bash 7,278,260 0 141
The Who's Tommy 271,069,340 46 42
Point Total 46 42

Entry (A) #1388
Game Score Points Rank
Creature From the Black Lagoon 56,595,040 0 88
Twilight Zone 498,963,090 76 12
Monster Bash 20,711,850 0 96
The Who's Tommy 365,969,650 63 25
Ripley's Believe It Or Not! 3,884,480 0 133
Point Total 139 36

Entry (A) #1409
Game Score Points Rank
Monster Bash 5,928,990 0 153
Twilight Zone 164,592,520 0 94
Creature From the Black Lagoon 132,769,290 36 52
The Who's Tommy 823,186,530 90 2
Ripley's Believe It Or Not! 10,993,940 24 64
Point Total 150 33

Entry (A) #1507
Game Score Points Rank
Monster Bash 53,539,280 48 40
Twilight Zone 81,285,980 0 140
Ripley's Believe It Or Not! 15,805,960 58 30
Creature From the Black Lagoon 165,176,290 46 42
The Who's Tommy 767,873,810 85 3
Point Total 237 20