A B C Juniors Seniors Classics I Classics II

Player Name: Michael E. Moon (#194)

Best Entry (C) #3303
Game Score Points Rank
Monopoly 11,462,340 72 16
Lord of the Rings 5,122,410 0 221
Congo 654,839,220 66 22
World Cup Soccer 727,905,500 61 27
Sopranos 4,389,410 0 266
Point Total 199 20

Best Entry (Classics II) #4446
Game Score Points Rank
Aquarius 2,381 56 32
Middle Earth 22,000 36 52
Galaxy 94,030 3 85
Card Whiz 4,080 0 111
Point Total 95 75

Other Submitted Entries for C

Entry (C) #3235
Game Score Points Rank
Diner 929,550 0 218
Lord of the Rings 4,581,720 0 235
Congo 357,644,350 8 80
Sopranos 18,858,010 0 98
World Cup Soccer 189,183,380 0 229
Point Total 8 116

Entry (C) #3244
Game Score Points Rank
Diner 1,834,230 0 158
Lord of the Rings 2,532,350 0 280
Congo 275,368,080 0 104
Sopranos 8,859,310 0 196
World Cup Soccer 171,383,930 0 245
Point Total 0 121

Entry (C) #3268
Game Score Points Rank
Diner 1,221,710 0 195
Lord of the Rings 5,697,300 0 207
Congo 625,228,220 62 26
Sopranos 9,974,000 0 179
World Cup Soccer 80,490,780 0 306
Point Total 62 87

Entry (C) #3279
Game Score Points Rank
Diner 607,500 0 234
Lord of the Rings 7,718,910 0 165
Congo 372,702,590 11 77
Sopranos 4,862,800 0 255
World Cup Soccer 114,764,650 0 284
Point Total 11 115

Other Submitted Entries for Classics II

Entry (Classics II) #4442
Game Score Points Rank
Gay 90's 208 0 94
X's & O's 177,480 29 59
Black Jack 16,680 0 100
Future Spa 34,460 7 81
Point Total 36 87