A B C Juniors Seniors Classics I Classics II

Player Name: Madelynne Pursglove (#192)

Best Entry (C) #3048
Game Score Points Rank
Diner 2,365,330 0 131
Monopoly 9,671,010 56 32
Terminator 3 35,671,390 23 65
Lord of the Rings 33,851,310 51 37
World Cup Soccer 494,517,010 21 67
Point Total 151 33

Best Entry (Classics I) #4087
Game Score Points Rank
Harlem Globetrotters 292,140 46 42
Wizard! 45,520 46 42
Silverball Mania 420,460 67 21
El Toro 12,440 28 60
Point Total 187 34

Best Entry (Classics II) #4253
Game Score Points Rank
Future Spa 257,830 62 26
Middle Earth 19,020 29 59
Card Whiz 5,120 0 110
Gay 90's 1,295 30 58
Point Total 121 65

Other Submitted Entries for C

Entry (C) #3419
Game Score Points Rank
Diner 718,530 0 227
Monopoly 6,255,670 0 95
Terminator 3 49,968,980 46 42
Sopranos 7,941,100 0 210
Lord of the Rings 41,207,880 61 27
Point Total 107 58