A B C Juniors Seniors Classics I Classics II

Player Name: Joshua Armstrong (#174)

Best Entry (C) #3401
Game Score Points Rank
Diner 1,515,260 0 179
Congo 110,082,150 0 192
Monopoly 6,550,860 4 84
Dirty Harry 148,902,130 0 122
Black Rose 13,518,300 61 27
Point Total 65 86

Other Submitted Entries for C

Entry (C) #3065
Game Score Points Rank
Black Rose 8,089,300 39 49
Congo 79,287,430 0 220
Dirty Harry 231,147,480 9 79
Lord of the Rings 4,607,920 0 234
Monopoly 2,453,370 0 211
Point Total 48 96

Entry (C) #3238
Game Score Points Rank
Diner 752,040 0 225
Congo 162,966,290 0 156
Monopoly 900,840 0 247
Dirty Harry 64,632,530 0 175
Black Rose 3,417,420 0 106
Point Total 0 121