A B C Juniors Seniors Classics I Classics II

Player Name: David Plaisted (#164)

Best Entry (C) #3117
Game Score Points Rank
Diner 14,321,960 75 13
Dirty Harry 134,918,280 0 134
Terminator 3 35,099,570 21 67
Sopranos 75,087,920 74 14
Lord of the Rings 59,648,040 81 7
Point Total 251 9

Best Entry (Classics I) #4094
Game Score Points Rank
Wizard! 37,140 27 61
Harlem Globetrotters 38,410 0 104
Alien Poker 197,960 35 53
El Toro 20,000 56 32
Point Total 118 62

Best Entry (Classics II) #4233
Game Score Points Rank
Card Whiz 29,160 31 57
Galaxy 213,130 42 46
Middle Earth 15,890 21 67
Aquarius 2,550 63 25
Point Total 157 50

Other Submitted Entries for C

Entry (C) #3024
Game Score Points Rank
Diner 2,571,120 0 125
Dirty Harry 119,074,560 0 143
Sopranos 5,403,320 0 247
World Cup Soccer 219,424,730 0 209
Terminator 3 54,247,550 59 29
Point Total 59 90

Entry (C) #3064
Game Score Points Rank
Diner 6,276,120 33 55
Dirty Harry 208,550,540 0 91
Terminator 3 62,222,730 70 18
Sopranos 9,675,670 0 184
World Cup Soccer 475,123,450 14 74
Point Total 117 51

Entry (C) #3156
Game Score Points Rank
Diner 8,366,740 59 29
Terminator 3 23,184,090 0 136
Sopranos 45,476,040 51 37
Lord of the Rings 9,758,140 0 145
World Cup Soccer 285,722,930 0 155
Point Total 110 57

Entry (C) #3331
Game Score Points Rank
Diner 5,520,020 28 60
Terminator 3 14,160,630 0 205
Sopranos 58,630,400 66 22
Lord of the Rings 25,182,610 23 65
World Cup Soccer 1,164,845,880 84 4
Point Total 201 19

Other Submitted Entries for Classics II

Entry (Classics II) #4417
Game Score Points Rank
Card Whiz 46,880 66 22
Galaxy 87,020 0 88
Middle Earth 9,450 7 81
Aquarius 1,916 38 50
Point Total 111 68

Entry (Classics II) #4430
Game Score Points Rank
Card Whiz 40,700 57 31
Galaxy 217,240 47 41
Middle Earth 6,300 4 84
Aquarius 1,818 33 55
Point Total 141 56