A B C Juniors Seniors Classics I Classics II

Player Name: Adam Becker (#103)

Best Entry (C) #3115
Game Score Points Rank
Lord of the Rings 12,595,580 0 124
Dirty Harry 1,147,498,230 100 1
Monopoly 15,241,270 90 2
Congo 621,116,170 61 27
World Cup Soccer 683,650,490 55 33
Point Total 306 1

Other Submitted Entries for C

Entry (C) #3004
Game Score Points Rank
World Cup Soccer 1,452,195,400 90 2
Lord of the Rings 18,542,860 4 84
Sopranos 11,618,120 0 160
Black Rose 26,177,950 77 11
Terminator 3 18,777,970 0 171
Point Total 171 29

Entry (C) #3034
Game Score Points Rank
Lord of the Rings 41,860,980 63 25
Dirty Harry 373,023,170 45 43
Monopoly 7,008,220 14 74
Congo 414,236,410 21 67
Diner 9,145,670 63 25
Point Total 206 18

Entry (C) #3051
Game Score Points Rank
Diner 1,934,450 0 154
Congo 462,814,090 37 51
Lord of the Rings 10,592,250 0 136
World Cup Soccer 240,150,600 0 190
Terminator 3 29,431,030 0 89
Point Total 37 104

Entry (C) #3570
Game Score Points Rank
Diner 3,216,220 0 101
Congo 298,441,710 0 97
Dirty Harry 668,841,350 74 14
Terminator 3 27,368,250 0 103
Sopranos 4,768,480 0 257
Point Total 74 79

Entry (C) #3583
Game Score Points Rank
Lord of the Rings 23,819,860 20 68
Sopranos 7,275,940 0 216
Terminator 3 14,643,270 0 199
Dirty Harry 680,540,000 76 12
Diner 4,628,680 12 76
Point Total 108 57