A B C Juniors Seniors Classics I Classics II

Player Name: Andrew Batchelor (#354)

Best Entry (Juniors) #4094
Game Score Points Rank
Lost World 198,640 83 5
Johnny Mnemonic 304,443,820 53 35
El Toro 20,340 75 13
Tales of the Arabian Nights 13,398,760 100 1
Point Total 311 3

Other Submitted Entries for Juniors

Entry (Juniors) #4088
Game Score Points Rank
Tales of the Arabian Nights 7,076,340 81 7
Hurricane 1,743,340 63 25
El Toro 5,100 47 41
Johnny Mnemonic 635,838,320 71 17
Point Total 262 12

Entry (Juniors) #4101
Game Score Points Rank
El Toro 18,910 73 15
Hurricane 3,137,430 70 18
Lost World 49,360 64 24
Johnny Mnemonic 788,577,570 75 13
Point Total 282 11