A B C Juniors Seniors Classics I Classics II

Player Name: Ty Clair (#294)

Best Entry (Juniors) #4047
Game Score Points Rank
Whitewater 33,990,440 72 16
Johnny Mnemonic 277,253,900 51 37
Hurricane 1,383,990 59 29
Tales of the Arabian Nights 3,252,400 66 22
Point Total 248 13

Other Submitted Entries for Juniors

Entry (Juniors) #4045
Game Score Points Rank
Whitewater 10,410,000 57 31
Johnny Mnemonic 124,912,320 45 43
Hurricane 2,992,250 69 19
Tales of the Arabian Nights 456,600 48 40
Point Total 219 15