A B C Juniors Seniors Classics I Classics II

Player Name: Gregory Bable (#274)

Best Entry (Juniors) #4080
Game Score Points Rank
Hurricane 22,752,370 100 1
Johnny Mnemonic 1,656,561,520 90 2
Black Hole 25,830 54 34
El Toro 23,840 82 6
Point Total 326 2

Other Submitted Entries for Juniors

Entry (Juniors) #4023
Game Score Points Rank
Black Hole 63,040 62 26
Lost World 112,930 80 8
Hurricane 8,420,010 81 7
Whitewater 73,898,100 83 5
Point Total 306 6

Entry (Juniors) #4025
Game Score Points Rank
Johnny Mnemonic 354,124,720 57 31
El Toro 9,480 56 32
Black Hole 76,140 72 16
Lost World 122,630 81 7
Point Total 266 12

Entry (Juniors) #4040
Game Score Points Rank
Tales of the Arabian Nights 1,891,460 60 28
El Toro 18,030 70 18
Johnny Mnemonic 795,547,420 76 12
Black Hole 108,290 80 8
Point Total 286 11

Entry (Juniors) #4042
Game Score Points Rank
Johnny Mnemonic 431,194,270 60 28
Black Hole 65,800 63 25
El Toro 11,680 60 28
Tales of the Arabian Nights 807,280 51 37
Point Total 234 14

Entry (Juniors) #4071
Game Score Points Rank
El Toro 23,710 81 7
Johnny Mnemonic 514,206,710 66 22
Tales of the Arabian Nights 6,778,190 79 9
Whitewater 3,005,850 47 41
Point Total 273 11