A B C Juniors Seniors Classics I Classics II

Player Name: Christopher Stouffer (#262)

Best Entry (Juniors) #4120
Game Score Points Rank
Hurricane 722,380 55 33
Johnny Mnemonic 669,731,320 72 16
Lost World 148,580 82 6
Black Hole 103,130 79 9
Point Total 288 10

Other Submitted Entries for Juniors

Entry (Juniors) #4018
Game Score Points Rank
Tales of the Arabian Nights 733,510 50 38
Johnny Mnemonic 261,983,120 50 38
Black Hole 89,500 78 10
El Toro 9,140 55 33
Point Total 233 14

Entry (Juniors) #4019
Game Score Points Rank
Tales of the Arabian Nights 2,982,090 65 23
El Toro 10,610 58 30
Johnny Mnemonic 1,354,026,820 84 4
Whitewater 4,700,440 51 37
Point Total 258 12

Entry (Juniors) #4029
Game Score Points Rank
Hurricane 595,340 54 34
El Toro 16,270 67 21
Lost World 40,770 59 29
Black Hole 76,550 73 15
Point Total 253 12

Entry (Juniors) #4054
Game Score Points Rank
Hurricane 1,487,810 60 28
Lost World 227,900 85 3
Tales of the Arabian Nights 6,371,750 76 12
El Toro 7,640 49 39
Point Total 270 12

Entry (Juniors) #4112
Game Score Points Rank
Black Hole 184,240 84 4
Lost World 83,860 76 12
Johnny Mnemonic 371,036,080 58 30
Hurricane 513,620 52 36
Point Total 270 12

Entry (Juniors) #4999
Game Score Points Rank
El Toro 24,530 85 3
Johnny Mnemonic 120,430,240 44 44
Lost World 41,470 60 28
Black Hole 134,750 82 6
Point Total 271 12