A B C Juniors Seniors Classics I Classics II

Player Name: David G. Stouffer Jr. (#234)

Best Entry (B) #2061
Game Score Points Rank
The Who's Tommy 80,581,580 0 205
Lord of the Rings 67,948,940 70 18
Eight Ball Deluxe 442,000 0 110
Twilight Zone 199,101,280 24 64
Cue Ball Wizard 19,177,800 0 197
Point Total 94 44

Best Entry (Seniors) #4127
Game Score Points Rank
Hurricane 18,922,150 80 8
Lost World 281,710 90 2
Black Hole 26,930 61 27
Whitewater 128,288,810 84 4
Point Total 315 9

Best Entry (Classics I) #5197
Game Score Points Rank
Hot Line 1,826 66 22
Big Game 48,810 0 113
Paragon 83,120 38 50
Scuba 4,478 75 13
Point Total 179 33

Best Entry (Classics II) #5470
Game Score Points Rank
Butterfly 97,700 0 89
Nitro Groundshaker 56,130 20 68
Cleopatra 1,760 0 105
Ali 60,560 0 94
Point Total 20 84

Other Submitted Entries for B

Entry (B) #2014
Game Score Points Rank
Twilight Zone 111,405,840 0 121
Lord of the Rings 5,654,760 0 202
Eight Ball Deluxe 279,500 0 174
Funhouse 1,661,730 0 189
The Who's Tommy 183,479,980 0 134
Point Total 0 63

Entry (B) #2359
Game Score Points Rank
Lord of the Rings 3,837,040 0 230
The Who's Tommy 91,098,710 0 199
Eight Ball Deluxe 817,530 52 36
Twilight Zone 104,178,410 0 127
Funhouse 3,019,030 0 110
Point Total 52 56

Other Submitted Entries for Seniors

Entry (Seniors) #4017
Game Score Points Rank
Black Hole 98,000 77 11
Hurricane 27,029,730 84 4
Whitewater 10,520,990 69 19
Lost World 83,450 76 12
Point Total 306 10

Entry (Seniors) #4053
Game Score Points Rank
Hurricane 1,638,950 55 33
Johnny Mnemonic 722,886,570 79 9
Whitewater 24,815,660 76 12
Tales of the Arabian Nights 3,515,700 72 16
Point Total 282 13

Entry (Seniors) #4110
Game Score Points Rank
Hurricane 4,421,800 66 22
Johnny Mnemonic 365,506,740 76 12
Lost World 43,340 62 26
Whitewater 20,025,660 72 16
Point Total 276 15

Other Submitted Entries for Classics I

Entry (Classics I) #5019
Game Score Points Rank
Paragon 64,500 18 70
Scuba 2,587 47 41
Cosmos 405 2 86
Hot Line 966 13 75
Point Total 80 72

Entry (Classics I) #5139
Game Score Points Rank
Paragon 31,960 0 97
Flip Flop 27,890 0 88
Scuba 5,169 82 6
Volley 9,230 0 123
Point Total 82 72